Policy & Resources Committee

Agenda Item   110


Subject:                    Strategic Delivery Board, Major Projects and Regeneration & Investment Plan update


Date of meeting:    10 February 2022


Report of:                 Executive Director Environment, Economy & Culture


Contact Officers:    Name: Max Woodford and Sam Smith

                                    Tel: 01273 291666  and 01273 291383

                                    Email: max.woodford@brighton-hove.gov.uk



Ward(s) affected:   All



For general release


The special circumstances for non-compliance with Council Procedure Rule 3, Access to Information Procedure Rule 5 and Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), (items not considered unless the agenda is open to inspection at least five days in advance of the meeting) were that clarification regarding the final proposed version of the Terms of Reference was not available until after the publication deadline.



1.            Purpose of the report and policy context


1.1         Following the reintroduction of Project Boards and Working Groups the role of the Strategic Delivery Board (SDB) has been reviewed with Board members to ensure that it has a strategic focus and complements the work of the other Boards and Groups.


1.2         SDB’s Terms of Reference have been revised in line with this review.


1.3         This report also proposes that a Regeneration & Investment Plan for the city is commissioned and provides and update on major projects in the city.


2.            Recommendations


2.1         That the Committee agrees the amended Terms of Reference for SDB as detailed in Appendix 2.


2.2         That the Committee agrees to the preparation of a Regeneration & Investment Plan for the City, and for officers to identify a budget and take all necessary procurement steps to commission the work.


2.3         That Committee agrees to receive regular updates, every 6 months, on the major regeneration projects in the city.



3.            Context and background information


3.1         In the ‘Review of the Council’s Constitution’ report to Policy & Resources Committee on 28 April 2016 members agreed to disband major project’s project boards and introduce a Strategic Delivery Board to oversee all Major Projects in the city. 


3.2         The Strategic Delivery Board (SDB) has been effective in giving lead members oversight of major projects, however both councillors and officers have, in the case of some projects, missed the detailed understanding of major projects that was enabled through the project boards and working groups.


3.3         Policy & Resources agreed to the reintroduction of cross-party Project Boards at their meeting in October 2019, in order to strengthen the governance of major regeneration projects and to support the work of SDB.


3.4         The SDB has continued to operate primarily focusing on the following activities:


·         Delivery of the City Plan policies and objectives; and considering strategic planning issues.

·         Providing oversight to the delivery programme and key/strategic points/issues for individual projects.

·         Meeting developers working in the city and holding them to account


3.5         At its meetings in May and July 2021 the SDB discussed its role and there was general agreement that with the reintroduction of Project Boards, there was an opportunity to lift the work of SDB to a more strategic level.  SDB agreed that future focus would include:


·         Developing and overseeing the long term vision for the city

·         Ensuring strategic links between Programmes & Projects

·         Overseeing links between programmes and policies

·         Overseeing the pipeline of programmes and projects

·         Horizon scanning and early identification of emerging issues

·         Cooperation and coordination with Greater Brighton & partners

·         Consider the cumulative financial impact and financial risks of all the projects


3.6         The Terms of Reference for SDB have been reviewed and updated and are attached in Appendix 1 (original) and 2 (updated).  These have been shared with the council’s Constitution Review Working Group.  


Regeneration & Investment Plan for Brighton & Hove


3.7         It was agreed that a key role for SDB should be to agree and oversee a Regeneration & Investment Plan for Brighton & Hove. This will look to connect-up the various polices, strategies, projects and programmes to identify what the future city will look like, how it will function and what it will be like to live here.  This would need to be a strategic piece of work linking planning policy, the Zero Carbon 2030 Programme, planned developments and transport.


3.8         The aim is not to recreate policies, strategies and additional programme structures, but to complement the existing City Plan and other initiatives by ensuring that these are coordinated and set out in a clear and simple (vision) document.  An initial overview is attached in appendix 3 summarising the following:


·         Challenges

·         Policies & Strategies

·         Programmes & projects

·         Outcomes by 2030


3.9         The aim is to provide a Regeneration & Investment Plan for the city  linking the city’s challenges, the policies & strategies that have developed to address them and how this translates into practical projects & programmes.  The document will provide a vision of how the city will change and develop with the outcomes of the implementation and delivery of the strategies and projects by 2030.


3.10      There is a national government focus on place-based approaches for local authorities playing a central role in leading and planning for the future of their area.  Government have previously referred to an  example document from Bishop Auckland and it can be referenced here .  There is potential that the government may require such documents to be produced by local authorities as part of any local Levelling Up agenda. The creation of a strategic document, detailing developments and investment priorities can provide a framework for SDB to ensure a strategic focus over city development, and act as a guide for councillors as well as developers / investors.  Subject to the final contents of the Levelling Up White Paper issued by government, we will need to ensure that the final Regeneration & Investment Plan does whatever it needs to help attract government investment in the city as part of that agenda.


3.11      Going forward, this document can be a constituent of a suite of documents to help the city achieve carbon neutrality and economic prosperity. (other documents could include City Plan, Local Transport Plan 5, Economic Strategy etc).  Following the SDB meeting on 19 July a high-level document was drafted and the  SDB was consulted on this at its meeting in October. Following SDB comments, the draft was amended .  There will also be a review of appropriate format for this and if the information can be web based rather than printed.


Overseeing the pipeline of programme and projects


3.12      It is anticipated that the SDB will have a continuing role in monitoring and coordinating the various programmes and projects being delivered across the council over the next 10 years and further into the future.  The aim will not be to have detailed oversight as this role is covered by various major project boards, member boards and working groups, for example the Black Rock Working Group, Valley Gardens Member Task & Finish Group and Housing Supply Member Board etc. However, there is an ongoing role for SDB in providing high-level monitoring of progress and strategic direction.  For clarity the SDB and other boards are not decision-making bodies.


3.13      This should include the following areas of work:


·         Major regeneration projects and programmes

·         Housing supply programmes and projects

·         Local Transport Plan 5 (LTP5), Local Cycling & Walking Investment Plan (LCWIP), Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs), Liveable City Centre (LCC) and Ultra Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ). 


3.14      The reporting of progress on Major Projects used to come to every meeting of Tourism Development & Culture Committee, and both members and the public found these updates to be very useful and informative.  Major projects now fall under the remit of Policy & Resources Committee, and the updates had been stopped as the agenda of P&R meetings normally do not allow for update reports where there is no formal decision being made.  However, due to the need to report progress on major regeneration projects it is proposed that a report is sent to P&R every six months to ensure public and member oversight on the progress of projects.


3.15      The first such update is included at Appendix 4.  Officer will continue to refine the format of that update report in line with member feedback.


Horizon scanning and early identification of emerging issues


3.16      It is proposed that the Board should have a role in the process of setting direction of the strategy and vision for the revised City Plan which is due to be reviewed from early 2022. This Plan will set the framework and objectives for future development, infrastructure and policy in Brighton and Hove to 2040. It will be a new style Plan, detail of which will be proposed by the Planning Reform Bill to be published in 2022. Early indications are that the Government will seek a zonal approach in new digitised Plans, with a strong emphasis on high standards of design secured through masterplans and design codes. 


The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) was updated in November 2021 in response to changing priorities in the city and the introduction of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in October 2020. This update sets out the strategic infrastructure needs in the city to mitigate the impact of development and address city priorities; how much infrastructure will cost and when it is expected to be delivered. The Board will have an important role as a sounding board for the update and review of the IDP every two years. There will also be a need to consider how the Government’s proposed reforms to create a national levy to replace CIL and S106 will be implemented in the city.


Ensuring strategic links between Programmes & Projects


3.17      The City Transport capital programme has been significantly enhanced during, and following, the Government’s call to provide additional Active Travel capacity. This is accelerating delivery of existing sustainable Transport policies and, to achieve this, has also required higher levels of project and programme management resource.


3.18      The Climate Assembly on Transport Carbon and further new policies to deliver a Liveable City Centre, Ultra Low Emission Zone, Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and School Streets has stretched the transport capital programme four-fold to over £20m in a single year. These are all subject to ETS and P&R Committee oversight and specific project and programme boards, including a City Transport Capital Board chaired by the A/D and supported by Corporate Finance.


3.19      There is direct alignment between the LTP and City Plan and officers from Transport and Planning and Regeneration services actively support each other in delivering these shared corporate aims, however there is no specific formal process to ensure the respective high level and strategic objectives are regularly shared and tested. The Strategic Delivery Board can have a key role in  enhancing these strategic links.


Cooperation and coordination with Greater Brighton & partners


3.20      The Board also has a role to play in providing a forum where the council can discuss relevant issues with a sub-regional dimension, including strategic planning.  For example input into the Great Brighton Economic Board project pipeline, looking at the spatial implications on the city of the GB10 Pledges and the work of the GB Infrastructure Panel. Also discuss and consider the work of the West Sussex and Greater Brighton Strategic Planning Board.


Levelling-up Fund Projects


3.21      There is a requirement for projects receiving funding under the government’s Levelling-up Fund for a constituted delivery board to oversee the project.  It is proposed that the SDB takes this role, initially overseeing the Kingsway to the Sea project that received funding in the first Levelling-up funding round in October 21.  It is recommended that future bids and successful projects will be monitored by SDB and the Terms of Reference have been amended to reflect this new role.


4.            Analysis and consideration of alternative options


4.1         The SDB have looked at a range of potential options for the refocus for their work and agreed on the proposals outlined in the report.


5.            Community engagement and consultation


5.1         The revised Terms of Reference for Strategic Delivery Board have been circulated to councillors on the council’s Constitution Review Working Group.


5.2         There will be a programme of engagement with stakeholders and residents associated with the development of the Regeneration & Investment Plan.


5.3         Separate engagement will be carried out on each project, programme and strategy.


6.            Conclusion


6.1         The proposed changes to the role of the SDB and revised terms of reference will help to ensure that the Board keep a strategic oversight of major projects and development and regeneration in the city.  The board will continue to provide important review of progress against the City Plan and ensure there are strategic links between major projects, development and programmes in the city.


7.            Financial implications


7.1         The recommendations include the preparation of a regeneration and investment plan for the city. The estimated cost is in the region of £40,000 to £60,000 and is expected to be funded from the councils Strategic Investment fund.


Name of finance officer consulted: James Hengeveld Date consulted: 31/01/22


8.            Legal implications


7.2         The Strategic Delivery Board is a permanent member working group. It is an advisory board to Policy & Resources Committee and other committees as necessary. The changes to the terms of reference need to be approved at Policy & Resources Committee.


Name of lawyer consulted: Alice Rowland    Date consulted: 28/1/22


9.            Equalities implications


9.1         This work should support the corporate aims of tackling inequality and promoting community wealth building.  Oversite of equalities impacts of projects should include Equalities Impact Assessments where required and be overseen by the relevant project board.


10.         Sustainability implications


10.1      There is a role for SDB to complement the work of other boards and working groups in order to help link the Zero Carbon 2030 Programme with other initiatives, programmes and projects to ensure the city is working towards a truly sustainable future.


11.         Other Implications



Social Value and procurement implications


11.1      The Investment & Regeneration Plan and work of the SDB will have significant potential to promote social value through the delivery of projects and programmes.  Individual projects will require detailed analysis of potential benefits and other procurement implications.


Crime & disorder implications:


11.2      The successful delivery of the Investment & Regeneration Plan has the potential to support the reduction of crime and disorder in the city.


Public health implications:


11.3      The Investment & Regeneration Plan will aim to promote public health and improve quality of life for the city’s residents and visitors.



Supporting Documentation


1.            Appendices


1.            Current Terms of Reference for Strategic Delivery Board

2.            Amended Terms of Reference for Strategic Delivery Board

3.            Regeneration & Investment Plan diagram

4.            Major Projects Bulletin